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A Walk Through The Law Firm Branding Hall Of Shame

DWF‘s recent win for best rebrand in the professional services sector at the Transform Awards was an emotional moment for the legal sector, proving that law firms’ logos and websites don’t have to look shit. Many still do, though.

At the top of a fairly lengthy list of firms crying out for help is Gateley. When the firm was re-named a year ago as a tribute to tragic Boyzone star Stephen Gately (previously it was known as HBJ Gateley Wareing), there were high hopes.

Unfortunately, the outpouring of emotion prevented Gateley’s partners from getting round to investing in a new logo. Crippled by grief for the fallen performer, they appear to have simply lopped the ‘HBJ Gateley’ bit off their old logo on PaintShop.

Macfarlanes made much more of an effort. But in doing so, they may have tried too hard. Doubtless the firm spent a fortune on its fancy website (pictured below) – only to have it end up looking like an iPad edition of the latest Scandinavian crime thriller.

Still, better to resemble a Scandinavian crime thriller than the personal blog of a prematurely bald teenager. Hill Dickinson, what are you thinking?

However, better to resemble the personal blog of a prematurely bald teenager than to publicly imply that you make multi-million pound decisions using the paper, scissors, stone method – as Charles Russell does on its website.

Other than DWF, are there any good ones? Not many. But Addleshaw Goddard’s square bubbles are pretty cool.

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