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Weekly round-up of the top legal blogosphere posts

May’s Brexit deal: the legal verdict [The Spectator]

An open letter to The Criminal Bar Association, The South Eastern Circuit and The Bar Council [The Secret Barrister]

What were these lawyers thinking?! [Above The Law]

Court of Appeal: Wikipedia can (but shouldn’t) be used to prove foreign law [Free Movement]

Diverse or Representative? [Terence Eden’s Blog]

The latest comments from across Legal Cheek

Joshua Rozenberg: Why Max Hill is going back to basics [Law Society Gazette]

Alba, Dè thachair dhut? — Scotland, What Happened to you? [The Tartan Con]

What’s artificial about ethical AI in the law? Everything [Legal Futures]

Pupils are not PAs for their pupil masters/mistresses. On the other hand, offering to make tea when you’re making one for yourself, giving a hand with papers when heading to court etc, is just common courtesy. [Legal Cheek comments]

Event: How to make it as a barrister with 5 Essex Court, Hardwicke, Landmark Chambers and 4 New Square [i am going]

Jobs jobs jobs! [Legal Cheek Hub]

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