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What is going on with Lord Sumption’s ties?

World goes crazy over justice’s fashion choices, but it’s Lord Pannick QC who really steals the Brexit Supreme Court show

This week saw the eleven justices of the Supreme Court sit down to hear the most important constitutional law case of a lifetime, but everyone was more bothered about what Lord Sumption was wearing.

A quick scan of the outspoken justice’s tie choices makes it abundantly clear why.

Monday’s tie: Headache-inducing

Tuesday’s tie: Abstract, but snazzy

Wednesday’s tie: Team GB Olympic-themed. A tabloid newspaper teaser?

Thursday’s tie: Festive, yet disappointing

While the world couldn’t help but gawp at the former commercial barrister’s fashion sense, an unlikely Twitter hero was born in the form of Lord Pannick QC.

The Blackstone Chambers barrister, who represented lead claimant Gina Miller in the case, exploded across the Twitterati scene this week, as spectators watched in awe at the constitutional lawyer’s impressive advocacy. Here’s just some of the, more humorous, gush:

Even legal commentator Joshua Rozenberg QC — who authored a piece for Legal Cheek on the Supreme Court Brexit hearing — had nice things to say:

Leading to speculation Sumption’s tie collection was all just a ploy…

The Miller challenge concludes today, with judgment expected in January. We will all have to wait until then to find out what Sumption’s next tie choice will be.

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