Morning round-up: Wednesday 13 December

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By Legal Cheek Reporter on

The morning’s top legal affairs news stories

What our Brexit negotiators could learn from high-profile divorce cases [City A.M.]

High-flying ex-Barclays lawyer ‘caught with over 100 child porn images’ said men who came to his luxury flat for Grindr chemsex parties were responsible [Mail Online]

Royal Mail Group facing legal action from drivers over employment rights [Reuters]

Brexit: Michael Gove pledges principle that animals can ‘feel pain and suffering’ will be enshrined into UK law [Independent]

The latest comments from across Legal Cheek

Same sex parent fails in bid to strip her ex of legal ‘motherhood’ [The Herald]

‘The impact has been devastating but I have to stand up to discrimination,’ says barrister suing BSB [Legal Futures]

Call for drug laws devolution to allow ‘fix room’ in Scotland [BBC News]

Trump’s lawyers call for second special counsel to investigate Russia special counsel [The Guardian]

Kim Jong-un should be prosecuted for crime against humanity, international judges say [Express]

BPTC & LPC graduates to undertake freelance advocacy work in the County Courts throughout England and Wales [Legal Cheek Hub]

“A few years ago in the middle of a very difficult trial, we had a personal tragedy (think blue lights, A&E e.t.c) HHJ Peter Ross was superb. Compassionate and kind. Sent the jury away, and completely re-scheduled half a week of the trial so that I was able to recover and wasn’t distracted. I will never forget his decency.” [Legal Cheek comments]

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