
Legal industry among worst offenders for unpaid internships, study finds
Many grads relying on ‘Bank of Mum and Dad’

TikTok lawyers are showcasing their office fashion looks — and the internet is loving it
Workwear never looked so good

Slaughter and May names new managing partner
Joined MC firm as a trainee

The best social media posts of the week
A round-up of online musings, memes and more

Inns of Court College of Advocacy students face ‘lottery’ over bar course progression amid record enrolments
Exclusive: Offers fee discounts and perks for those willing to defer

Linklaters retains 75% of trainees globally
Several rookies heading to different offices around the world

The journey to a TC as told by Michael Scott
'That's what she said'

SRA cites ‘unexpected’ data issues for delay in releasing SQE provider pass rates
Originally set for release in late 2023

Perfect your pupillage applications with The Chambers Most List
Gateway closes midnight tonight

Harvey Specter’s apology to law students
Actor behind student fav worries show misrepresents law

Office manager caught using law firm’s credit card to buy champagne
Booze delivered to home address

Number of pupil barristers continues to rise, data shows
Diversity stats see minor changes

Freshfields’ financials unveiled after firm kept quiet on results
Figures courtesy of Companies House

Another lawyer faces ChatGPT trouble
Documents referenced 'nonexistent' cases

Freshfields hit with nepotism claims after two trainees land New York secondments
Magic Circle giant gets itself in a pickle

New Zealand grants mountain same legal rights as a person
Mt Taranaki will own itself

Legally Blonde star Reese Witherspoon mistaken for real lawyer during jury duty
Fellow jurors wanted her as foreman

Monday morning round-up
The top legal affairs news stories from this morning and the weekend

Founder Rosenblatt reclaims former firm from listed legal business
Follows war of words

AI must uphold the rule of law, campaigners urge
Developers should 'act responsibly'