The growing significance of ESG in the M&A world — with White & Case

Tuesday 19 March, 4pm to 6pm, taking place virtually

Join us on the afternoon of Tuesday 19 March for a virtual student event with White & Case.

The event theme is ESG and M&A.

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations have significantly increased in importance in recent years, as businesses strive to address sustainability and climate change as well as confront wider social concerns. This shift has profound implications for mergers and acquisitions (M&A), with companies facing heightened scrutiny from buyers, regulatory bodies, governments, and the public.

In this context, Lachlan Low, counsel at White & Case’s global M&A and Corporate practice, will delve into the evolving priorities of the firm’s high-profile clients, the impact of regulatory changes on cross-border M&A transactions, and the various stages of the deal cycle influenced by ESG factors.

Date: Tuesday 19 March 2024
Time: 4pm to 6pm
Location: Virtual event
Level: Students, Graduates

Lachlan will also be joined by Clare Connellan, partner in the International Arbitration and Construction and Engineering Groups, Janina Moutia-Bloom, commercial litigation associate, and Rachel Chow, trainee solicitor in the firm’s M&A and Corporate practice, to collectively reflect on their career journeys and offer advice to students aspiring to follow a similar path.

After the presentation and panel discussion there will be an opportunity to meet the firm’s trainees and members of its early careers team.

Apply to attend. You will be asked to submit two questions for the panel.