#RoundMyKitchenTable: LAWYERS ON TWITTER

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By Alex Aldridge on

Are tweeters fair game for journos? Following a spot of controversy over my Guardian law piece on tweeting lawyers, I chat over a bottle of wine with Emily Jupp, a social media journalist at The Independent, who, amongst other things, is responsible for the @TheIndyNews and @TheIPaper Twitter feeds (Emily herself tweets at @EmilyJupp). Also with me is my regular guest, lycra loving employment lawyer Kevin Poulter of corporate firm Bircham Dyson Bell.

[buzzsprout episode=”31550″ player=”true”][buzzsprout episode=”31550″ player=”true”]


Transcript: round my kitchen table podcast – lawyers on Twitter Transcribed courtesy of Gary Walters of www.StretLaw.com Your access to Legal Education, 2011