Morning round-up: Wednesday 15 February

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By Legal Cheek Reporter on

The morning’s top legal affairs news stories


Supreme Court Brexit ruling may affect legal action against Tony Blair and other ‘state officials’ over Iraq War [The Independent]

Moors murderer Ian Brady launches “unique” legal challenge [BBC News]

EU preparing legal challenge against Donald Trump’s US border tax plan in what could be biggest trade dispute in a century [The Telegraph]

Wife appeals judge’s decision to refuse her a divorce after he ruled her husband was just ‘old-school’ and ‘snapping and stinging remarks should be expected in marriage’ [Mail Online]

Trump travel ban hit by new legal setback [BBC News]

Scotland Yard facing £3m legal threat over bungled VIP child abuse inquiry [The Telegraph]

Bar Council hikes PC fee as figures show elite barristers raking in £600m-plus a year [Legal Business]

Serial criminal simply walks out of court while judge is sending him to jail [Mirror]

Apply to attend: How to become a serious injury lawyer — live in Manchester [Legal Cheek Hub]

“Barristers are glamorous, impossibly charming and great fun. Solicitors are, in the main, dull and socially inept. Date the bar; shun the roll” [Legal Cheek comments]

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