Alice Kemp, ULaw student and future trainee at the London office of a US law firm, shares her insights on navigating the SQE, landing a training contract and staying motivated through the challenges of qualification
The University of Law student, Alice Kemp, bagged a US law firm TC and is currently studying the SQE. Having experienced the competitive application process as well as facing the challenge of the qualifying exams, she is in a prime position to offer her advice to aspiring City lawyers.
In this Q&A, Kemp shares her legal journey so far and her pearls of wisdom for aspiring solicitors ahead of Legal Cheek’s virtual student event, ‘Secrets to Success London – with Ashurst, Willkie and ULaw’. We discuss how she is finding SQE prep so far, and her advice for future lawyers who are soon to take on the challenge of qualifying.
1. Can you walk me through your educational journey so far, and what attracted you to law?
I studied my undergraduate degree in English Literature at Durham University, and then moved to London to complete the MA Law Conversion with The University of Law, which included writing a dissertation on intellectual property. After gaining a training contract with a global law firm and passing the SQE1, I paused my studying to work temporarily for an investment management company and a private hedge fund, and now I am returning to ULaw to take the SQE2 and SQE Plus to complete my LLM Legal Practice course.
I was initially attracted to law because of the people; having been involved with charities and student-led fundraising at university, I was motivated by the invaluable relationships that I built during those experiences, and reaching out to lawyers on platforms like LinkedIn helped me understand the wide variety of work and what it means to be part of a driven, innovative team. I also attended an inspiring career talk led by human rights barrister Parosha Chandran, who discussed the importance that a legal role has for others. It was encouraging to hear about these different pathways into law, and how I could relay my transferable skillset from my undergraduate degree and work experience to pursue a legal profession.
2. You work as a student ambassador for ULaw, can you talk to me about this role, and what your biggest learnings have been?
I have been a Student Ambassador at ULaw for nearly two years, and it’s a fantastic role that has developed my confidence and interpersonal skills when engaging with guests. As a representative, I act as the first point of contact to welcome visitors at our student recruitment events, including open days, taster sessions, and online events, such as The Legal Cheek Virtual Law Fairs. The ambassadors lead informative campus tours, share knowledge about the courses and facilities at ULaw, and provide assistance in group presentations and Q&As.

I have learned the most in this role about how different everyone’s journeys are into law. Being an ambassador has given me the opportunity to meet so many new people, from sixth-form students interested in solicitor apprenticeships, to postgraduate students enquiring about training contracts and pupillages, to career changers with a wealth of experience. I really enjoy giving advice about which course may best suit their needs, and answering the same questions that I had when I first discovered the conversion course — it’s very rewarding to be able to share my story, and hear about their motivations in return.
3. You’re a student on the LLM Legal Practice (SQE1&2) with ULaw. How are you finding the SQE so far, and what aspect of the LLM are you finding most useful at this stage?
The SQEs are certainly challenging. I found the transition from my MA to the SQE1 relatively smooth, because we do Single Best Answer Questions as part of our learning and assessments on the conversion course, and so I felt familiar with the question style. The SQE2 is also based on the same modules, but for me these exams are more about putting that knowledge into practice and gaining a commercial skillset, as they challenge you in real-life situations such as speaking before a judge or interviewing a client. This means that I have been continuously revising my academic knowledge as well as developing my legal practice skills.
The most useful resource so far has been the ULaw Revision App — it’s a bank of over 3000 SBAQs that you can use to practice and track your progress for the SQE1. I would answer around 30 questions every weekday morning, before I did any studying, to get used to the different wording formats and revisit detailed knowledge, and towards the end of my course I would sit 90-question mocks that were reflective of the 2.5 hour exam. This was extremely helpful for me, because you have to sit and concentrate for a long time in the SQE1! I am currently collecting mocks for the SQE2 from my course and online, with the intention of practicing these papers in the same way and building my preparation over time.
4. Taking the Plus modules on the LLM means that you can additional modules in key practice areas. Which modules are you taking? Which are you enjoying most and why?
I have just started the SQE Plus component of my course, which includes presentations and coursework-based assessments. I am taking modules in the corporate and commercial pathway that have been chosen by my law firm, because they are the key practice areas that the firm specialises in and will be the most helpful for my seats when I join as a trainee solicitor, such as Capital Markets. I am also taking the Preparation for Practice module which underpins the legal practice content and focusses on developing your commercial skills as a lawyer. Whilst I have only just started the Plus, my favourite module on the SQEs so far has been Dispute Resolution, as I really enjoy the dynamics of litigation and the variation of the precedents that define our contentious laws.
5. Many SQE students have fears going into this challenging set of exams. Can you walk me through any tips on how to keep your cool throughout your studies?
It can be daunting to study for these exams when they are still relatively new, but my advice to anyone taking them would be to organise your work gradually, if you are able to, over a period of time. I am treating my studies like a 9-to-5 job, so I will make sure that I am at my desk in the morning, have a lunch break, and then carry on throughout the afternoon, with the evening to relax and recuperate. This routine means that I am revising for the majority of the day but splitting it up into manageable amounts and giving myself regular breaks. I also play hockey matches on a Saturday, which is a great way to handle my stress by letting off some steam!
Additionally, I would advise SQE students to make sure that they celebrate small milestones. It can be quite overwhelming to revise for these exams, so taking a small break after studying or practising questions is a good way to boost your morale and refocus. Whether it’s making a cup of tea, going for a walk to the park, or having dinner with my friends, I would always try to celebrate my achievements, no matter how small, and be proud of myself and my progress.
6. What have you learned about yourself through your SQE journey so far?
I would say that I have learned about my ability to persevere more than anything! I am happy with the way that I have kept myself going throughout the conversion course, the SQEs, and even training contract applications, which has so far been an intense yet fulfilling process. Persevering through small setbacks, like getting a low score on a practice test, and self-motivating to carry on has been tricky at times, but I always remain determined and try again. I am really looking forward to returning to ULaw with my cohort and starting the SQE Plus modules whilst pressing ahead with my revision for the SQE2.
7. What are your biggest tips for SQE candidates?
My first tip would definitely be to utilise your tutors and peers. If you’re struggling with a particular topic or finding a type of question difficult to answer, then reach out and ask for help! For example, I arranged to have a couple of virtual lessons with my Business Law tutor to help me with tax, and she was incredibly supportive. It can also be useful to answer SBAQs or plan a mock SQE2 paper with your classmates, so that you can compare answers and learn from one another’s methods and perspectives. I would also suggest that SQE candidates go through the SRA’s website thoroughly, using the assessment specification as a topic list and making use of the practice papers that they provide – they are the closest to the real thing!
Lastly, my main advice to anyone would simply be: practice, practice, practice. The more questions you complete, the more familiar you will feel with the structure and wording, and this helps me understand exactly what they’re asking for. Remember to also give equal attention to the different parts of the exam, as they all count equally towards the final result. I wish you the best of luck!
The University of Law London Moorgate will be hosting ‘Secrets to Success London — with Ashurst, Willkie and ULaw’ on Thursday 6 February, 4pm to 6:30pm. Apply now to attend.
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