Tag: Art

Museums legal threats to Pornhub are an ‘exhibition of hypocrisy’
The Uffizi and the Louvre are threatening to sue the world's biggest porn site
There’s a new art exhibition at the Supreme Court and all the pieces are made by prisoners
Legal Cheek’s Katie King reviews the PAPERWORK exhibition
Karaoke Court is actually a thing
The brains behind the legally binding sing-offs found his inspiration in an undergrad jurisprudence lecture
7 cool pieces of art from the Magna Carta exhibition at Gray’s Inn
Rebecca Hossack's exhibition has a sense of humour
Unlikely Piece Of Law Firm Artwork Of The Week
Amid the corporate swirls and twee etchings at HowardKennedyFSi’s offices, where the Legal Cheek team...
Through The Keyhole Of Matrix Barrister Thomas Kibling’s Spectacular East London Home
Matrix employment law barrister Thomas Kibling has a very cool pad…
Lawyer Files a Cartoon To Get Round Five-Page Limit
After having the length of his brief limited to five pages by a judge, New...
ADVICE: ‘Could An Artistic Legal CV Help Me To Stand Out From The Crowd?’
Dear Auntie Em, This post on The Student Room asking if legal CVs could be...
Picture of Ex-Dewey & LeBoeuf Boss To Sell For £30K
Geoffrey Raymond, an artist who does annotated pictures of fallen Wall Street icons, has turned...
AUNTIE EM’S HOMESPUN ADVICE FOR LAWYERS: I want to jack in law to become an artist
Dear Auntie Em, Last week I went to an art exhibition sponsored by my [large...