Tag: Legal education

How one law school is planning to fill junior lawyers’ learning gaps

Director of Professional Development at ULaw, Jim Moser, explains the missing links in legal training and how the education giant is tackling them

May 2 2024 8:35am

US law school enrolment is falling, but do we care?

Legal education consultant blames 'cushy lifestyle' of academics

Nov 8 2017 9:07am

Is ‘Doxbridge’ a thing?

Supreme Court now has more Durham grads than any other non-Oxbridge uni

Jul 31 2017 9:15am

BPP installs new boss as rumours swirl about outgoing chief joining ULaw

Andrew Chadwick appointed law school dean

Jul 25 2017 4:06pm

CEO of BPP Law School steps down

Land law barrister at the university’s helm for 20 years

Jun 9 2017 4:42pm

It’s official: The LPC and GDL are being scrapped

Solicitor super-exam will replace traditional routes to qualification as soon as September 2020

Apr 25 2017 11:30am

ULaw to launch ‘MA Law’ alternative to the GDL

Because it's a masters UK students will qualify for a £10,000 government loan

Apr 21 2017 12:07pm

BPP University chief exits after 20 years at legal education giant

Carl Lygo started as a tutor at the law school in the 1990s

Mar 8 2017 6:43pm

The seven foundations of legal knowledge

A look at the core subjects that form part of the LLB and GDL

Dec 12 2016 12:11pm

Country’s most followed law student publicly slams the LPC

Saffron Sheriff thinks it “really isn't living up to its price tag”

Nov 4 2016 9:15am

Life at the law centre — A trainee’s perspective

A Q&A with Laura Williams, trainee at South West London Law Centres

Sep 16 2016 2:24pm

London College of Fashion unveils first of its kind law course

University of the Arts moves into legal education

Jan 20 2016 9:37am

Scrap law degrees, urges top QC

Courtenay Griffiths wants legal education to be postgraduate only

Nov 17 2015 10:52am

‘Thinking Is A Skill Which Came To Me Very Much After I Graduated’

Ed note: This is the latest post in the ‘If I knew then what I...

Mar 22 2013 11:07am

Will The Next Generation Of Apprentice Lawyers Become Solicitors Or Legal Executives?

Over Christmas, the announcement by minister for skills Matthew Hancock that school-leavers students will soon...

Jan 17 2013 10:51am

What Has Happened To The Legal Education And Training Review Final Report?

The final report of the Legal Education and Training Review (LETR) – potentially the biggest shake-up...

Jan 3 2013 10:15am

EXCLUSIVE: College Of Law To Change Its Name To The ‘University Of Law’ – And Become A Proper University

The College of Law is to re-brand as the University of Law after being granted...

Nov 22 2012 4:30pm

Please, No More ‘Nietzsche And The Law’! Why Americans Are Looking Enviously At The GDL Route To Legal Qualification

In comparison to our odd system of legal education – which sprawls haphazardly from the...

Oct 23 2012 12:50pm

Amateur Porn Filmed In Top Law School Library

More crazy stuff from across the pond, this time involving an amateur porn model who...

Oct 4 2012 9:00am