Judges and barristers have the largest gender pay gap in UK, research finds

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By Rhys Duncan on


Nearly 30%

Judges and barristers have the largest gender pay gap of any profession in the UK, according to new research.

With an average pay difference of £8.31 per hour, judges and barristers top the list of largest gender pay gaps with a difference of 29.1%.

Taking data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the research looked at the median hourly earnings of 156,000 men and women, 1% of the UK workforce, across a range of professions.

Coming in second were financial managers and directors, with women paid on average £11.56 less per hour. With higher salaries, however, this leaves the percentage gap just below that of judges and barristers at 28.8%.

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Ranked third by the Claims.co.uk report was web design professionals, with women paid 27.7% less.

Jobs with the largest gender pay gaps in the UK

  1. Barristers and judges – 29.1%
  2. Financial managers and directors – 28.8%
  3. Web design professionals – 27.7%
  4. Production, factory and assembly supervisors – 26%
  5. Assemblers (vehicles and metal goods) – 23.5%
  6. Vehicle technicians, mechanics and electricians – 22.4%
  7. Education managers – 22%
  8. Nursery education teaching professionals – 21.2%
  9. Production managers and directors in construction – 21%
  10. Newspaper and periodical journalists and reporters – 20.6%