Tag: Emails

A cautionary email tale for trainees
Law firm’s dismissal of trainee solicitor who forwarded client comms to private email address upheld

Ayesha Vardag in cardigan shame
'Diva of Divorce' rocks knitted apparel in promotional post on firm website -- despite advising staff to steer clear

Former lawyer slams law firms for putting email addresses in order of hierarchy
Moiz Ali says he was 'admonished'
Email scammers attempt to dupe public with Supreme Court subpoena
The message tells recipients they’re invited to court 'because of crime commitment’
BSB In Data Protection Howler As It Divulges 1,268 Barristers’ Email Addresses
Just when you thought that the Bar Standards Board (BSB) had run out of embarrassing...
Hacking Trend Hits Law As North London Solicitors Firm Is ‘Attacked By Some Unknown Gunmen’
These days, everyone seems to be getting hacked. From Facebook to Burger King to Highgate...
Leaked Email: Hogan Lovells Partner Orders Associates To Be At Their Desks By 9am – Even If They’ve Been Working Late
Corporate lawyers pride themselves on being able to swan into work late. The trade off,...
‘I Would Like To Extend You a Counter-Offer To Suck My Dick’: Law School Dropout’s Job Chances Scotched As Email Goes Viral
We haven’t had a legal profession viral email story since the ‘spitroast trainee’ Daniel England...
Why The ‘Out Of Office’ Email Is Dead
I love holidays, but I hate missing opportunities. Unfortunately, the two often go hand in...
AUNTIE EM’S HOMESPUN ADVICE FOR LAWYERS: ‘I put a kiss on an email to my boss’
Dear Auntie Em, I wrote an email the other day to the partner in charge...