Ex-Supreme stops for selfie 🤳

Baroness Hale has been spotted at Edinburgh Fringe.
The former Supreme justice, who retired from her role as President of the top court at the beginning of 2020, was snapped by criminal defence solicitor and Fringe performer Abigail Rolling.
Rolling, whose sixty-minute act goes by the title of Shit Lawyer, tweeted: “After 12 consecutive sold out shows Baroness Hale wanted to pick my #shitlawyer brains on an obscure legal point (occupational hazard). My pleasure m’Lady.”
After 12 consecutive sold out shows Baroness Hale wanted to pick my #shitlawyer brains on an obscure legal point (occupational hazard). My pleasure m’Lady#saveukjustice #legalaidcrisis #ukjustice #accesstojustice #uklaw #thelawisbroken #action4justice #EdFringe2022 pic.twitter.com/FxGCgphbbv
— Abigail Rolling (@AgentRipley) August 17, 2022
It is unclear whether the Baroness attended the show which Legal Cheek previously reported would feature anecdotes, jokes and legal conundrums from Rolling’s time on the front line. She also promised to expose “in heart wrenching detail” the impact decades of underfunding and neglect has had on both criminal lawyers and their clients.