Tag: Bindmans

Why law students shouldn’t be discouraged by anti-lawyer rhetoric
Top solicitors and barristers provide words of encouragement for aspiring lawyers

BCLP and Bindmans team up with Queen Mary to offer LLB students year-long paid placements
Russell Group uni builds on 2015 tie-up with Reed Smith
Pro-Human Rights Act posters appear all over the Tube after barristers raise £50k to ‘Act for the Act’
Lawyers are getting the hang of crowdfunding
Amal Clooney’s chambers-mate reported to be working on fees of £1.50 an hour
Doughty Street Chambers and Bindmans Solicitors highlight demise of legal aid -- while actor’s wife jets between New York and London
Five Legal Market Predictions For 2013
1. More firms to stop paying students’ law school fees Clarke Willmott’s November decision to...
Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race Protester Trenton Oldfield And His, Er, Oxford-Educated Lawyers…
While the decision to jail Trenton Oldfield has been greeted with shock – the New...
How Weird And Frightening Should You Be Allowed To Be On Twitter Before You Get Prosecuted?
Yesterday’s debate on free speech vs regulation of social media – held at London’s Free...
Times Law 100: It’s Oxbridge-Educated White Men And Shami Chakrabarti, Again!
Another year, another list of the UK’s top 100 lawyers by The Times. And once...