Tag: Politics

Event: Commercial Awareness Question Time – US Election Special

Trump may not win, but the populist sentiment he embodies could have a far-reaching impact on the law and the legal profession

Oct 24 2016 12:55pm

Lawyers compare new government plans to ‘shame’ companies that employ foreign staff to Nazi persecution of Jews

One QC described the Home Secretary's proposals as "abhorrent" and refused to follow them

Oct 5 2016 11:01am

Brexit: Who can pull the Article 50 trigger?

Theresa May and David Cameron are wrong

Oct 4 2016 12:56pm

Shami Chakrabarti accused of hypocrisy for sending son to £18,000-a-year private school

Woman tipped to become next shadow attorney general appears to fly in face of Labour’s stance on selective education

Oct 3 2016 12:15pm

Politician says parliament to be kept in dark about EU negotiations, lawyers not very happy about it

Basic principle of parliamentary sovereignty may be under threat from Brexit “farce”

Sep 13 2016 11:49am

Head of Durham Law School says Brexit will never happen

Daily Mail readers furious

Aug 30 2016 11:28am

Journalists in Mexico claim country’s president ‘plagiarised’ law degree dissertation

But a spokesperson for Enrique Peña Nieto suggests they were just "style errors"

Aug 23 2016 11:59am

‘Is you on crack or somethin’?’ Judge Foskett could topple Corbyn on Thursday after hearing

Ali G’s one-time agent brings case which could see Labour leader required to get nominations to stand in election

Jul 27 2016 9:50am

Backlash: Lawyers react to appointment of new Lord Chancellor

And some ask whether Liz Truss just a career politician

Jul 18 2016 11:33am

Boris to sue for slander (and libel)?

The new Foreign Secretary might just have the law on his side

Jul 14 2016 3:02pm

Lady Chancellor? Theresa May appoints first female Justice Secretary

Michael Gove sacked, now meet the woman taking his place

Jul 14 2016 12:27pm

#EpicGrayl – The Sequel: Just when you thought it was safe to be governed again…. here’s Grayling

Lawyers jittery as to just how much power former Justice Sec will have by week’s end. We look at the frankly terrifying runners and riders

Jul 13 2016 1:32pm

Now Corbyn’s talking about a legal challenge

Lawyers disagree on the internal procedures for electing Labour’s next leader

Jul 11 2016 2:47pm

Chasing Shadows

Meet the two lawyer newbies promoted to positions in the shadow cabinet that Corbyn/McDonnell are too busy to occupy

Jun 28 2016 2:40pm

Vote Leave paralegal targeted by Remain campaigners

Law grad on £16,500 a year who feels he’s “at the back of the queue” for jobs sparks social media storm

Jun 23 2016 1:01pm