Tag: secondments

‘Will doing both a client and international secondment impact my chances of being kept on as an NQ?’
Future City trainee needs advice

‘Can I bring my girlfriend on my international secondment?’
We've been living apart for some time and would both be miserable having to be separated again 👫

White & Case records 88% trainee retention and introduces remote international secondments
Two on fixed-term contracts

Herbert Smith Freehills launches London advocacy secondment for junior lawyers
In-house option sees associates spend 12 months working with global outfit's top advocates
Experience: I did a secondment at a global media company during my City training contract
Reed Smith trainee Roch Glowacki reflects on what he learned during six-months at firm’s client
Berwin Leighton Paisner to offer City trainees secondments at its Manchester hub
As international outfit confirms first northern rookie lawyers
RPC launches new Singapore secondment for London trainees
Opportunity is part of firm's continued expansion into Asia