Tag: criminal justice

State-sanctioned killing: the case against the death penalty
Nottingham Uni PPE graduate Charlie Downey, examines the biases, ethics, and flaws of the death penalty in modern justice systems

Humpty Dumpty: Can the King’s men put criminal justice back together again?
ULaw grad Priya Pandya looks at the impact of Operation Early Dawn while drawing comparisons to the popular nursery rhyme

5 ways Love Island is like the criminal justice system
They share more than meets the eye, writes Christianah Omobosola Babajide

Criminal justice: A system on its knees
With wigs and gowns on picket lines outside Crown courts around England and Wales, Liverpool Uni law student Jakob Fletcher-Stega makes the argument for increased legal aid fees and asserts the necessity of the ongoing strike

How should we respond to racial bias and stereotypes in the criminal justice system?
The problem has to be confronted from more than one direction, writes bar student Jalal Chohan

COVID-19: The toll on criminal justice
An already crumbling system finds itself in limbo