Tag: Inns of Court

Inns of Court quietly open applications for big money Graduate Diploma in Law scholarships

Over half a million quid up for grabs for wannabe lawyers

Mar 30 2016 9:24am

Award law scholarships on need rather than merit, urges Lady Justice Hallett

Otherwise legal profession will contain only children of the rich

Nov 6 2015 9:55am

Why is nobody talking about this Friday’s Inns of Court scholarship deadline?

£5 million in cash and rent-free flats in central London up for grabs, but publicity is minimal

Nov 2 2015 12:06pm

Cherie Blair backs radical plan for legal profession to buy junior barristers’ debt

Greece-style debt relief -- for rookie criminal barristers

Sep 21 2015 9:21am

A new law school is being built in a bunker under Lincoln’s Inn to deliver a not-for-profit BPTC

Exclusive: Inns of Court fight back against private law schools

Jul 16 2015 10:48am

8 things you need to know before applying for an Inns of Court scholarship

“Inner Temple for the rich, Middle Temple for the poor; Lincoln’s Inn for the gentlemen, And Gray’s Inn for a whore.” Spoiler: this rhyme is very misleading.

Oct 27 2014 9:33am

Why do wannabe barristers have to accept their BPTC place before they know if they’ve got an Inns scholarship?

The conventional wisdom is that students are unwise to do the Bar Professional Training Course...

May 30 2013 9:29am

There Has Always Been A Bar Aptitude Test – And Training To Be A Barrister Is Free For Those Who Pass It

Amid all the debate about rising Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC) fees and the new...

Mar 13 2013 1:59pm

The Definitive Way To Decide Whether You Should Become A Barrister Or A Solicitor

Last week Eddie Stobart Lorries’ newly-formed legal arm caused controversy by claiming that solicitors are...

Jan 14 2013 12:41pm

‘Beautician Barrister’ Ditches BPP Law School To Do Bar Professional Training Course At Rival

Back in 2009, Essex beautician Georgina Blackwell caused a media storm when, without any legal...

Dec 19 2012 11:12am

Fighting The ‘Facebook Mentality’: Why Barristers Should Be Proud Of Their Refusal To ‘Share’ Diversity Data

I see barristers’ refusal to embrace diversity monitoring has been described as “embarrassing” and “pathetic”....

Dec 18 2012 10:40am

Standards Slipping At The Bar…

Picture courtesy of must-follow legal tweeter Jeremy Hopkins.

Nov 22 2012 11:09am

*Inns Of Court Scholarship Deadline Alert*

Wannabe barristers who forget to apply for a lucrative Inns of Court scholarship may find...

Oct 29 2012 2:06pm

‘The Chances You Don’t Take Are The Ones You Regret’

Ed note: This is the first in a series of posts where leading members of...

Oct 26 2012 10:20am

Knowing Me Alan Partridge, Knowing You Norfolk Poly: Why Cheesy £350 UCAS Statements Will Only Take You So Far

Yesterday The Observer announced it had “discovered” that sixth-formers are paying up to £350 for...

Oct 15 2012 1:12pm

How To Survive The Bar Professional Training Course

After finally securing a pupillage over the summer, OccupyTheInns returns to offer his words of...

Sep 21 2012 12:21pm

Fifty Shades Of Gray’s Inn: Shopping For Cable Ties And Rope In B&Q

GDL student Anastasia Steal bumps into Christopher Grey QC, head of Gray’s Inn Chambers, in...

Sep 6 2012 1:54pm

Farewell Silk, Now Time To Come Up With a New Mythology For The Bar

The defining images in the second series of BBC legal drama Silk – which drew...

Jun 21 2012 1:01pm

ADVICE: Your Uni Choices Are Fine, But Why The Narrow Focus On The Bar?

I recently received this email from a prospective law student… Read my response below.

May 2 2012 9:55am

EXCLUSIVE: Cottaging At The Inner Temple – Police Patrolling Sex Venue Toilets

Inner Temple has been forced to call in the police to deal with groups of...

Mar 30 2012 9:01am

How To Get An Inns Of Court Scholarship

BPTC student Jack Smith, who’s in receipt of a full scholarship from Lincoln’s Inn, explains...

Mar 19 2012 1:43pm