Tag: Revision

8 legal cases that shaped history… retold on TikTok
How many do you know?

From textbooks under pillows to the Legally Blonde soundtrack: Our readers’ weird revision rituals and pre-exam superstitions revealed
‘I used to watch Harry Potter the night before every exam and guess what: I have a first-class degree’

King’s College London law student tackles case law on TikTok
Handy 60-second explainers cover legal basics -- from contract to criminal law
Procrastination pain: Keele University law student’s video about wasting precious revision time goes viral
350,000 views and counting
Open thread: What are your best law revision tips?
As exam season draws ever closer, share your advice below the line
Legal Cheek’s top 10 creative revision tips
Forget colour coding and revision timetables, these are the exam tricks you need to know
A law student’s honest Christmas holiday diary
Eat, drink and be merry? Try easements, deadlines and mood swings
Student anger at being asked to correct GDL revision guide ‘riddled with errors’ in order to receive refund
Aspiring lawyer claims she found 74 mistakes in the £40.99 textbook
13 things you’ll only understand if you study A-level law
Can I sue my teacher for the emotional distress caused by having to learn all these cases?
Law school exam horror stories will make you think Halloween’s come early
But can you guess which one’s a fake and can you top our list?
Was Osama bin Laden doing law revision when raided by special forces?
US spooks reveal the al-Qaeda supremo was leafing through LSE-educated solicitor’s book in the hours before he met his end