Tag: University of Liverpool

ULaw strikes LPC and GDL deal with Liverpool University
Despite SRA plans to scrap both courses

Liverpool law student petitions university to reimburse tuition fees over four-week strike action
First year's calls for £1,000 compensation backed by thousands
EU academic uses abuse he’s been sent by Brexit campaigners in new book intro
Michael Dougan called an ‘IRA c*nt’ and told to ‘die painfully of cancer’
Second referendum ‘perfectly possible’, say top EU law professors on Q&A Reddit thread
University of Liverpool experts use social media to spread their wisdom
‘The day of the constitutional lawyer has come’ says Prof Dougan
Liverpool Uni law lecturer gives evidence to House of Commons Treasury Committee on all things Brexit
Liverpool Uni law student pledges to use £44,000 lottery win to fund barrister dream
First year has her law school fund sorted