Tag: University

‘Will a 52 in contract prevent me securing a City training contract?’
Graduated with a first

‘Should I do a law degree if I want to be a solicitor?’
I would love to study English and then convert to law -- but I’m worried about an additional year of study and costs

Slaughter and May launches £270k undergrad scholarship fund for aspiring lawyers
Supports 30 less advantaged students

Law, accountancy and teaching among most challenging professions to break into without a degree
New research on UCAS deadline day
‘It Has Taken Me Almost A Decade To Drop My Non-Public School Chippiness’
Ed note: This is the latest post in the ‘If I knew then what I...
Ex-Eastenders and Strictly Star Chris Parker On His Frustration With Law Firms’ A-Level Obsession
After spending his 20s as an actor, rising to fame in Eastenders and Strictly Come...
Knowing Me Alan Partridge, Knowing You Norfolk Poly: Why Cheesy £350 UCAS Statements Will Only Take You So Far
Yesterday The Observer announced it had “discovered” that sixth-formers are paying up to £350 for...
ADVICE: ‘How Can I Get a First Class Degree?’
‘Mike’, who has just begun an undergraduate law degree, wants to know what it takes...
Might Even Graduates Of ‘Reputable’ Unis Struggle To Write Decent Essays When They’re Paid Just £43 Per 1,000 Words?
Last week, an essay-writing company posted an ad seeking law graduates with “a minimum Undergraduate...