Tag: Social Media

The Avatars Finally Meet! Legal Cheek Reviews Last Night’s ‘Legal Tweet-Up’

“These breaded treats (pictured below) are absolutely world class – and I don’t use that...

Jan 18 2012 1:25pm

Don’t Suppose You Have Any Work Experience Opportunities? #GizAJob

Is it acceptable to ask for work experience through Twitter, asks GDL student David Woodall....

Jan 17 2012 10:37am

Glimpse a Star: Legal Cheek Facebook Competition

Legal Cheek netted its 1,000th Twitter follower yesterday – not bad for a blog that’s...

Jan 11 2012 2:32pm


Follow @LegalCheek Legal Cheek is watching you… Twitter tale from the Bar of the week...

Nov 25 2011 12:42pm


Follow @LegalCheek Legal Cheek is watching you… Twitter put down of the week Rookie barrister...

Nov 18 2011 2:41pm


In what must surely be a first for a City lawyer, Preiskel & Co head...

Oct 24 2011 8:42am

#RoundMyKitchenTable: LAWYERS ON TWITTER

Are tweeters fair game for journos? Following a spot of controversy over my Guardian law...

Oct 18 2011 2:50pm