Tag: The Bar Council

Barrister conducted ‘hearing under an umbrella’ due to leaky court roof, Bar Council report claims
Lawyers say they've endured 'sewage pouring down the walls' and 'flea infestations' too

Bar Council teams up with AI start-up to launch ‘anti-harassment app’
Barristers will be able to record and report inappropriate behaviour with the touch of a button

Pride 2019: Lawyers take to London’s streets to celebrate LGBT+ rights
Pride Jubilee marked half-century since Stonewall uprising
Bar chief writes to all chambers urging zero-tolerance approach to sexual harassment
Days after Twitter account exposing ‘endemic’ problem in profession went live
Bar Council backs Truss’s calls for ‘wider pool of talent’ for judicial selection
Even though this means more non-barristers becoming judges
Bar Council insists London will remain a global litigation centre as City law firms go into overdrive advising shaken clients
UK legal sector displays a stiff upper lip in wake of historic EU referendum result
Bar Council brands BSB aptitude pass mark rise ‘inadequate’
Bar's regulator and representative body in stand-off over BPTC entrance exam
Bar Council steps up efforts to stamp out sexual harassment in wake of ‘unacceptable behaviour’ suffered by some barristers
Guide issued to ensure chambers properly handle allegations of harassment
Pupillage Gateway will be moved to January from 2017
After previous false start the Bar Council finally gives date change the go-ahead
Crime doesn’t pay: Students who opt for bar glamour careers will always earn way less than kids who choose safe corporate route
Thinking of a career at the criminal bar? You could be over £40,000 better off working in Aldi
‘X-Factorish bollocks’: Bar Council slammed for endorsing junior barrister’s ‘Never give up!’ blog
UCL legal academic and top QC lead criticism of regulator for sharing touching story
New official ‘online hub’ tells young barristers to lose weight and stop 5-day benders
Young Barristers' Committee venture does, however, contain some useful snippets of advice
A BPTC graduate who brought 30 failed employment tribunal claims has been disbarred
After accumulating plenty of valuable work experience, his pupillage dream is over