Tag: Middle Temple

Call to the bar: Which Inn has the best boozer?
Ranked by future pupil barrister

Wannabe barristers have until Friday to apply for Inns scholarships
Millions up for grabs

Inner and Middle Temple come together to help Ukrainian lawyers find UK legal work
Scheme matches candidates with suitable employment opportunities

The Beckhams descend on Middle Temple
Legal connection brings celeb family together

Barristers fall out over Middle Temple LGBTQ+ qualifying session
Huge trans rights row divides the bar

£6 million up for grabs as Inns open bar scholarship applications
You've got to be in it to win it 🤑

Here’s what a 150-year-old land law exam looks like
Courtesy of Middle Temple

‘Middle Temple must strip Boris of his honorary status’
The PM is an honorary bencher. Some 'do-gooder' needs to put a stop to that, says mature law student Laurence Cooper

The best festive firs from across the legal profession ?
From law firm lobbies to Inns of Court of libraries... it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Why do barristers wear wigs and gowns?
New Middle Temple exhibition explains the origins of our unusual court garb
Not guilty: Man accused of robbing High Court judge on Middle Temple Lane cleared of wrongdoing
Terry Brown offered no defence and refused to leave his prison cell during the trial
Emotions run high in Middle Temple Hall as barristers star alongside actors in touching play about life on death row
Two of the cast members had been sentenced to death themselves
Review: Lady Hale and Sir Brian Leveson perform alongside TV and film stars in tragic play about women’s fight for equality within the legal profession
It was rough around the edges, but the message was there
Middle Temple lands itself yet another TV cameo, this time in new Tom Hardy drama ‘Taboo’
The heart of legal London transported back to the 1800s
Man appears in court charged with mugging High Court judge by the Royal Courts of Justice
Mr Justice Knowles was apparently robbed on Middle Temple Lane
Harry Potter, Professor Dumbledore and Hagrid lookalikes visit Middle Temple
Magical scenes in heart of legal London
£5 million up for grabs as Inns of Court open BPTC scholarship applications
Bar hopefuls have less than a month to apply
Barrister receives police caution after fight at Middle Temple student qualifying session
Brawl marks the arrival of Christmas party season
Why do wannabe barristers have to accept their BPTC place before they know if they’ve got an Inns scholarship?
The conventional wisdom is that students are unwise to do the Bar Professional Training Course...
Standards Slipping At The Bar…
Picture courtesy of must-follow legal tweeter Jeremy Hopkins.
Is The Legal Profession Really On The Verge Of Revolution?
There was excited talk of “profound change”, “broken business models” and “the end of Law...