Tag: Barristers

Chemsex junior barrister opens up about boyfriend’s death and his suspension from legal profession

Henry Hendron admits he turned to drugs to escape the pressure of his legal career

Sep 22 2017 12:27pm

‘I am mid-sentence’: Brexit case barristers clash in House of Lords debate

Lords Pannick and Keen did not see eye to eye

Sep 15 2017 9:14am

David Lammy is right to encourage use of modern slavery laws, says human rights lawyer

MP's report recommends more prosecutions under modern slavery legislation

Sep 11 2017 2:50pm

Amal Clooney is ‘the Mensa member’s crumpet,’ proclaims top fashionista

Fashion journalist fawns over Doughty Street barrister

Sep 6 2017 1:19pm

Michael Mansfield QC joins Nexus Chambers following mass exodus at old set

Exclusive: Top silk follows tenants out the door

Sep 6 2017 12:04pm

Parking company sues top QC, loses

Doughty Street barrister achieves what fish and chip shop owner Barry Beavis couldn’t

Aug 29 2017 12:49pm

The best law books that aren’t To Kill a Mockingbird

Legal Cheek team's picks

Aug 29 2017 9:35am

‘Karate lawyer’ promises to take out corrupt judges using martial arts expertise in hilarious spoof advert

‘What I lack in formal legal qualifications, I make up for in karate moves’

Aug 25 2017 11:19pm

Fake barrister listed on genuine chambers website is jailed for defrauding terminally ill woman out of £92,000

He falsely claimed to have a law degree from the University of London

Aug 24 2017 9:14am

Female barristers granted access to top London court’s male-only robing room

Gender should play no part in the role or status of an advocate, says Southwark judge

Aug 23 2017 11:39am

Air justice! Judge Rinder takes chopper to court in adrenaline-fuelled advert

Mission Impossible-esque promo also features a leather clad clerk and a high-powered motorbike

Aug 17 2017 10:02am

Mass exodus at Mansfield 1 Gray’s Inn Square as 20 barristers join Goldsmith Chambers

Exclusive: Just eight months after merger deal

Aug 15 2017 10:27am

‘Introduce quotas for state school educated barristers and judges,’ suggests Guardian journalist

Ellie Mae O’Hagan tells Legal Cheek she hopes column will help 'address the problem of elitism'

Aug 8 2017 1:23pm

Former Kent Uni criminology student robs robing room after posing as pupil barrister to get past Old Bailey security

He has previous for stealing law books from King’s College London library

Aug 8 2017 11:08am

Why do barrister gowns look so weird from the back?

Some think it's so money can be dropped inside

Aug 3 2017 1:19pm