Tag: Gender pay report 2018

Linklaters releases ethnicity pay gap data
Follows Allen & Overy in publishing voluntary figures

All firms should publish gender pay gap data, says Law Society
Current rules only require outfits with at least 250 employees to report figures

Macfarlanes follows Allen & Overy in publishing 2018 gender pay gap data
City outfit reveals a partner inclusive result of 75%

Allen & Overy releases partner gender pay gap data following criticism from MPs
Magic circle outfit publishes 2018 and 2017 results

MP slams Allen & Overy over refusal to ‘come clean’ on partner gender pay gap data
As Freshfields and Slaughter and May reveal figures to select committee

MPs ask Allen & Overy to hand over partner gender pay gap data — magic circle firm says no
Outfit to publish new salary stats in September

Glass houses: MPs slam Slaughter and May’s ‘bogus’ gender pay stats, but firm followed regulations set by MPs…
Blame game begins over why City outfits didn't include partners

Deadline for gender pay gap reporting is today — here’s how law firms have done
The outfits with the biggest (and smallest) pay gaps in the City

The partner problem means law firm gender pay gap stats are pretty useless
A clutter of results impossible to compare

Clifford Chance reveals 44% gender pay gap – but figure includes mega-earning partners
First firm to calculate its salary statistic in this way

Freshfields’ gender pay gap smallest of the magic circle so far
Four out of five have now released their stats
Gender pay gap stats are in for Ashurst, BLP, Charles Russell Speechlys, Stephenson Harwood and Walker Morris
Differences of one quarter to a third commonplace, though bonus gaps far higher

Slaughter and May gender pay gap 39% — but female associates paid MORE than male counterparts
Stats don't talk about partner pay

Quartet of law firms unveil gender pay and bonus gaps
Results are in for Addleshaw Goddard, Travers Smith, Mishcon de Reya and DAC Beachcroft

Allen & Overy’s gender pay gap is 27%
Second magic circle firm to release data, as Irwin Mitchell and Leigh Day unveil far smaller figures

Firms with the fewest women pay the most money
Burden lies with top-paying outfits to attract more women, researchers say

Average junior lawyer pay at Bird & Bird and Taylor Wessing HIGHER for women than men
As Pinsent Masons also releases gender pay stats

Linklaters becomes first magic circle firm to reveal gender pay gap stats
Structure of workforce behind 39% figure

Female partners in London earn £165,000 less than male counterparts
Gender bias and nepotism still present, partners think
City law firms’ gender pay gap revealed: Herbert Smith Freehills, CMS and Shoosmiths first to publish data
Stark stats to be approached with caution