Tag: Green economy

Stephenson Harwood to offer lawyers electric car perk
New initiative available through salary sacrifice with money firm saves put towards other green initiatives

Hot practice area focus: How I came to specialise in environmental law
With COP26 underway Gowling WLG partner Ben Stansfield reflects on his career journey to date and considers some of the developments at the forefront of planning and environmental law

What to consider when pursuing a legal career in the North
Lawyers based in Manchester and Newcastle joined an expert in legal education from Leeds for an evening of careers advice

What aspiring lawyers need to know about the South West legal scene
Zoe King, dean of ULaw’s Bristol and Exeter campuses, discusses the opportunities on offer for prospective lawyers in the South West

What ‘build back better’ means for law firms
A panel of Womble Bond Dickinson lawyers discuss their role in boosting sustainable business

What will the green revolution mean for lawyers?
Herbert Smith Freehills partners and associates discuss the present and future role of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) goals in light of recent government policy announcements

Key commercial awareness talking points for future lawyers
Courtesy of experts from Baker McKenzie, BCLP, Ropes & Gray and ULaw

What the Green Economy has in store for lawyers
A pair of White & Case associates give their takes on where the global economy is headed and the growth areas of the future

The Green Economy will be the defining theme of the 2020s
Three Shoosmiths partners look at what’s happening now and in the future

Top commercial awareness talking points for aspiring lawyers
Courtesy of experts from ULaw, Squire Patton Boggs, Kings Chambers and Womble Bond Dickinson

The Green Economy through the eyes of a planning lawyer
Anna Cartledge, a partner at Shoosmiths, sheds light on brick shortages, electronic cars and life in Birmingham

The climate crisis and the role of lawyers
A trio of Burges Salmon lawyers explain how the push towards a greener economy is affecting their clients

What a greener future means for lawyers
Osborne Clarke environmental partner Matthew Germain shares his forecasts for the decade ahead

‘My life as an environmental lawyer’
Burges Salmon associate Stephen Lavington reflects on his route into the law and offers advice to the next generation of lawyers

The move towards a greener future presents real opportunities for lawyers
From financing innovative tech solutions in Rwanda to working on large-scale solar energy projects, Norton Rose Fulbright lawyer Rosa Mottershead reflects on her career to date