Author: Tom Scanlon

‘Commercial awareness is more than reading the FT and using buzzwords’
A panel of lawyers and legal experts from Ropes & Gray, Gowling WLG, Irwin Mitchell and ULaw consider the hot commercial themes of 2022 and how students can prepare for the changing world of work

Meet the infrastructure lawyers helping ‘Build back better’
A panel of experts from Pinsent Masons discuss their work and how it is helping drive the post-Covid economic recovery

What to consider when making the leap into law from another profession
Lawyers who’ve done it share their insights

Newcastle’s thriving legal scene offers new opportunities for aspiring lawyers
Solicitors join legal education experts to discuss the opportunities available for TC hunters in the North East

City lawyers share careers and commercial awareness advice
Lawyers from the London offices of Baker McKenzie, BCLP and Norton Rose Fulbright join a magic circle lawyer turned legal education specialist to discuss the key themes so far this year

What to consider when pursuing a legal career in the North
Lawyers based in Manchester and Newcastle joined an expert in legal education from Leeds for an evening of careers advice

Why aspiring lawyers should seriously consider starting their legal careers in the South West
A panel of lawyers and legal education experts give the lowdown on legal life in Bristol and beyond

My life in law
Sally Davies on rising through the ranks to make Mayer Brown’s first female London managing partner

My unconventional journey into law
A former chef, retail assistant and army officer explain how they made their way to Addleshaw Goddard

Key commercial awareness talking points for future lawyers
Courtesy of experts from Baker McKenzie, BCLP, Ropes & Gray and ULaw

Life as a lawyer in the North
A panel of lawyers and legal education experts discuss the region’s legal scene

The opportunities ahead for the Midlands legal market
Lawyers from across the region share their insights

CMS lawyers talk remote-working, lawtech and the future of legal practice
A panel of experts reflect on a year of unprecedented twists and turns

Restructuring and private equity: What aspiring lawyers need to know
A panel of experts from Weil offer insights from the frontline and explain how they’re helping clients respond to the global crisis

The opportunities for future City lawyers in a post-COVID world
Three associates from the London offices of Freshfields, Baker McKenzie and Reed Smith join a ULaw careers expert to share advice

How to secure a training contract at a global law firm in Hong Kong
Five industry experts share their top tips

What will the lawyer of the future look like?
Four experts explore the rise of NewLaw and consider the training options on the horizon

How the pandemic will impact future lawyers
Four speakers from different corners of the legal profession share their insights

COVID-19: What it means for aspiring lawyers
Commercial insights and careers advice courtesy of four experts

How to manage your mental health as a junior lawyer
Lawyers and wellbeing experts offer up their tips and advice

The importance of displaying your personality in training contract interviews
Application and interview advice courtesy of solicitors from Burges Salmon, Osborne Clarke and RPC